Positives: Good decorating is all about finding complementary colors and creating a motif with them. Dot has thrown pink, pale yellow, and orange together in a subtle furniture set that reminds me of the country furniture in Sims 2 Seasons. That furniture was charming and useful for country Sims, and so is this.
Negatives: I think the woodwork is a little too matched -- most people don't have kitchen cabinets in the same color as their beds -- but at least it's not all cow print. I think the largest drawback of this set is that anyone can replicate it in their own game without having to download it. That's natural of any custom content created with only the game itself, and I look forward to seeing what Dot can do once the game comes out and innovators dig into the code and meshes.
- Creator: Dot
- Price: Free
- Official Download: The Sims 3 Exchange
- Unofficial Download: None
- Catagories: TSR_Dot, Furniture, Country, Romantic
This has been an example of my custom item recommendations. This is not a real recommendation, just an example post. All my recommendations are based on opinion and personal taste, so I fully expect people to disagree with what I do and do not post.
The official download link will lead to the website that is sanctioned and used by the creator. Unofficial download links will be places you can find the item if a) it's official site no longer exists or b) the official site is a pay site. I feel it's within a player's rights to have unlimited access to things he or she has already paid for and downloaded once. I also recommend that players donate to sites you use often like you'd donate your pocket change to a children's charity or museum. It's a way of saying thanks.